Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tis the Season for Joy, Peace, and Rest - Affordable Professional Resume Writing Services

Tis the Season for Joy, Peace, and Rest Today marks the most beloved of holidays for so many of us! We’ve got a lifetime of Christmas memories, some we may choose to remember more fondly than others. Many of us pack up our bags and travel miles and miles by car or by plane to visit dear family and friends. Others stay put in our own comfy beds as we open our homes to our loved ones. Christmas is spent full of tradition. Maybe you’re the family that puts together a 3-day spread of gifts, games and food of all kinds. Or, your group might be the ones who like to change it up every year. You don’t like to be traditional, yet your rebellion toward tradition becomes a tradition itself. Either way, most everyone looks forward to their holiday and makes plans for months in advance. Regardless of where or how you spend your Christmas, it is usually a time that you seek to fill with joy, peace, and rest. You do your best to tie down all of the pertinent details so that you are freed up at this time of year. You have been looking into the faces of those whom you love the most for many weeks and promising them that you will slow down long enough to just ‘be’ with them. You desire to stop and absorb the special and magical feelings that come with Christmastime, to relish the joy and peace that rests within that tradition. Sadly, however, there is yet another group of individuals who may find themselves in none of the aforementioned scenarios. This group describes those who are swamped with work throughout the entirety of the holiday season. Whether you were assigned that last minute project without any choice, or you volunteered for such a task, there is something to be said to the way in which this holiday will be spent for you. Joy and peace and true rest are things that you will have to fight hard for today. Your dedication must be paired with a self-discipline and time management that allows you to push hard enough to win yourself a pocket of down time. Not just on Christmas Day, but all throughout the year, we all need to relearn the art of rest. We, as hard-working designers, teachers, CEOs, writers, engineers, secretaries, doctors, lawyers and so many more, need to recognize our limitations and needs. We need to realize that our productivity depends very heavily on our state of rest. So, if you find yourself buried with paperwork or emails or whatever else is keeping you away from finding joy in your Christmas this year, we urge you to stop where you are and reconsider your plans for the day. Remember that seeking a peaceful rest and joyful heart is necessary for each of us, this day and every day. Once we find our own unique way of making this happen, then we will suddenly find ourselves as better and more fulfilled employees, bosses, mothers, boyfriends, daughters, brothers and whatever other title fits the bill. We will be a better and more complete version of ourselves because we are pulling back the reigns and insisting on taking a break. Our days in this life are quickly fleeting, so let’s soak up the blessings before us and choose joy. Merry Christmas from Platinum Resumes!

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